Joss Stone In One Of The Jane Magazine Shots

Joss Stone nude pictures

Joss Stone has joined a host of other female celebrities to pose nude for the latest - and final - edition of Jane Magazine, Sound Generator can reveal.

Pictured tastefully alongside other stars, including Serena Williams and Eva Mendes, the article focuses on female empowerment, and attempts to dispel the 'size zero' culture in favour of a curvaceous look.

"I'm not into wearing clothes at home" Stone reveals in the article, which sees her photographed by Amanda De Cadenet. The 20-year-old also takes the opportunity to criticise her ex-boyfriend for having low self-esteem, which impacted on her own style.

"I didn't wear high-heeled shoes for the longest time," she adds. "I would wear flip-flops because the guy i was with hated that i was tall - and tall can be beautiful! But because he hated it, it made me feel really insecure and i would try and make myself smaller - and that's ridiculous. So now i wear great big f*ck off heels!"

The latest Jane Magazine - the final ever edition - is out later this month. [Source]

Joss Stone nude pictures